Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...
Creating Your Own Cola
I just finished reading directions on how to make your own cola. This is called OpenCola. The ingredients are somewhat hard to find. There are dangers mixing and storing the ingredients. There are also hazards from choosing the wrong kind of ingredients. And it is difficult to get that fizzy carbonation. But it is possible to brew your own cola.
I know I spend a fortune on cola. That would be Coca Cola to be exact. I buy it frequently at fast food joints. And I get 12 packs of 12 ounce cans like it is water. I do try to buy that darn stuff when it is on sale. It would be nice to mass produce the stuff at a seriously wholesale price.
Might be time to set up my lab.