Playboy magazine is polling readers as to which of 9 female bloggers they would most like to see pose naked. You can vote yourself at the Hottest Female Bloggers web page. Personally I like Brigitte Dale the best. I have posted her picture here to the left. I have also already voted for Brigitte. She seems cute like the girl next door. And from what I can tell, her body seems delicious.
I would not be disappointed if Geoffrey Ellis won too. She has a full figure if you know what I mean. Too bad Geoffrey has already declared that she shall never pose naked for Playboy. But I wonder if she might be persuaded if the stakes were high enough. I cannot help but think that most of these females are taking advantage of their looks to improve their marketability in the marketplace. Why not take it to a whole new level by posing for Playboy?
The real bonus would be if all nine would pose for one issue of Playboy. That would be an issue that you would need to run out and buy. Don't you agree?
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