I was reading an article on how to use your GPU to crack passwords. There was an advertisement on that site for the "Top 10 Keyloggers of 2012". I could not help myself. I had to check out that list. Five different products were listed and compared. I wondered whether this site was just an advertisement for the product listed in the to position. I decided to do some research on the products listed.
Let's talk about cost. IamBigBrother comes in at the bottom for $29.99. Next is SpyAgent at $69.95. Then WebWatcher and Spector Pro go for $97.00 and $99.95 respectively. I did not consider Content Protect in any comparisons since it does not seem to really be a keylogger.
Next let's look at awards. WebWatcher and Spector Pro were PC Magazine editor's choices. I don't know whether the editor's choice award is worth anything. But I do know and somewhat trust PC Magazine. SpyAgent is allegedly ranked number 1 with KeyLogger.org. Sounds legit.
How about what I actually get, and what upgrades come with the product? Specto Pro claims unlimited upgrades. That just sounds suspicious. SpyAgent will ship you a CD-ROM, provide 1 year of free major upgrades, and free minor upgrades. That sounds like a very legit type of upgrade. WebWatcher had a shaky option of seeling you a 1 year reinstall capability for downloaded. It costs an extra %9.95. That's just a fail.
Spector Pro takes 5 minutes to install. SpyAgent claims to install in under 1 minutes. Advantage SpyAgent. SpyAgent also touts its help documentation and lifetime support. You can't count those nice extras out. IamBigBrother provides a free trial. Sounds good. I am almost tempted to try out a free trial myself.
Work Smarter not Harder
We have large data sets in my current project. Every year tons more data is
loaded into the system. So we only keep the majority of data for 4 years.