DeepScan Version 1.0 Released

I just knocked out version 1 of my DeepScan program. As mentioned before, it combines my prior SiteScan program with a lot of other ideas. You should already know how to use this program if you have used SiteScan before. Otherwise here is a breakdown of what you need to do:
  1. Enter the URL of your web site in the Home Page edit
  2. Press the Scan button
  3. Wait until you site has been fully scanned (you see the Done messages)
  4. Press the Copy button to move the file name to the Click portion
  5. Enter the number of times you want the app to click your links
  6. Enter the delay between clicks. I recommend 30 seconds.
  7. Press the Click button

Like its predecessor, DeepScan takes a while to scan large web sites. I plan to speed things up in a future release. I am about to leave my current job to work for another employer. So things are hectic at work. But I want to keep banging out code for your benefit free of charge. I figure I will do some maintenance on my DeepScan and SiteScan programs to get them working faster and without bugs. Then I plan to start coding a new program for you that I am currently thinking about. Stayed tuned for more good stuff.